Fitness, Weight Loss

Food Selections Made Easy

I haven’t counted calories or carbs in over 5 years.  I don’t think you should either.   Yet, you can’t outwork a bad diet. I believe maintaining or losing weight is based on 25% exercise and 75% food choices.

My food selection (or as the cool kids call it, “diet”) has evolved over the years as I’ve learned to make healthier food decisions.  Honestly, it’s a shame it took so long.  The “diet” industry is such a racket and has confused me just as much as its confused millions.  I often cringe while listening to others discuss their “diet” because some of their food selections are garbage.  It’s not their fault; but they incorrectly perceive some foods as healthy.  Eating healthy is a simple concept that has been complicated, in my opinion.  It’s much simpler than you think.

We’ve been bombarded with diet marketing for decades. I’ve done Atkins and Paleo.  I’ve done Keto, both “Clean Keto” and “Dirty Keto”.  (If you don’t know the difference, you’ve likely been doing “Dirty Keto”.  I learned that lesson too).  I’ve subscribed to Weight Watchers and memorized the point system.  I’ve done low fat diets and counted calories.  It’s all nonsense.  The hundreds of thousands of books, the millions of articles and the latest diet tips in magazines are bologna. It’s confused everyone.  Throw on top of that the absurd “food pyramid” introduced by the government while us Gen-Xers were growing up.

I’ve been utilizing the same “diet” for the past few years, with two modes:  maintain and weight loss.  I occasionally move into weight loss mode if I exceed my target range (145-153 pounds).  Weight loss mode generally occurs after holidays or vacations.  I am not a dietician, nutritionist, or doctor; I have no nutrition credentials in this space.  I’m probably missing brain cells from two concussions and excessive beer consumption in my 20s and 30s.  So don’t take this as expert advice, your results may vary.  Here is the simplicity of my food selection for both modes:

Weight Loss Mode:

85% of the food I prepare originates from one ingredient items.  This obviously excludes almost anything that comes in a box or can.  I steer far away from processed items.  I don’t eat any bread or pastas and pass on starchy foods like potatoes and corn.  I eliminate foods with sugar and ditch items with more than a few carbohydrates per serving.  I avoid gluten as much as possible (this is a best effort approach, sometimes its unavoidable unfortunately).  I’ll eat fruit only while trying to lose a few of pounds but will avoid it if I am targeting more than 5.  And finally, I stay clear of dairy aside occasionally adding cheese to a meal.  I eat until I am satisfied, but not stuffed.

Confused? Don’t be. Think of food placement in the grocery store. I’m telling you to head to produce and meats while staying clear of the aisles for most of your food purchases. The garbage is in the bakery on the aisles.

So what does this leave?

-Non-processed meats (grill, bake, broil or sauté with olive oil or occasionally bacon fat)

-Fresh vegetables (frozen if fresh is not possible, read the label to make sure nothing has been added).


-Protein shakes and bars

Maintain Mode:

I’ll eat the same foods as I do in weight loss mode, with some additions.  I will occasionally have a bread or pasta item; I try to make sure it is gluten free.  I consume more fruit while maintaining; some days eating only fruit before noon.  My protein shakes generally have several fruit items in them, using almond milk as a substitute.  I’ll introduce some clean, higher carbohydrate foods such as beans, quinoa, rice, and potatoes.  I give myself 2 cheat meals per week when I enjoy a burger, ice cream or Mexican food.  (And the McDonald’s McRib, during it’s annual 4-6 week run).  Again, I eat until I am satisfied but not stuffed.

(Disclaimer:  My approach is much different when carb loading before and during an endurance run).

My typical day looks like this:

-Breakfast: eggs/bacon, protein shake, fruit

-Lunch:  dinner leftovers, salad, fruit, vegetables, non-processed deli-meat, protein bar

-Dinner:  meats and vegetables 

-Snacks: Fruits, vegetables, nuts

It’s that simple.  Why do I think this works?  Because most of the food items I eliminated did not exist before World War II.  I am eating actual food. Have you looked at pictures from the 1930s recently? American humans were very lean compared to 2021.

Again, I am not an expert here.  But who do you trust more, an author selling books or the guy who lost 92 pounds and kept it off?  And my food choices include bacon for the win! And by the way, bacon and cabbage served together has been my food discovery item of 2021.

Here are 28 examples of what dinner looks like at my house (shout out to my wonderful wife who cooked so much of this. I’m the grill and smoker dude):