
Lose Weight for Better Health, Not Appearances

Health is not about appearances or being skinny. My motivation wasn’t driven by appearance, I was already married to my hot wife who loved me and my dad bod before ever losing a pound or running a mile. You’re already beautiful……thin appearance is a by-product of health improvement.
I visited my primary care physician for my annual screening and labs earlier this week. Back in the day, I dreaded this appointment. My cholesterol and triglycerides were above healthy levels. My blood pressure and resting heart rate weren’t bad, but slowly creeping the wrong direction, year over year. My liver enzymes were also too high. I took 2 daily prescriptions for allergies and occasional prescriptions for gut/ulcers. My health could have been worse, but it was in annual decline. People don’t wake up one day with health ailments and obesity; its manifested from bad decisions over a prolonged periond of time.
My doctor called with excitement to share this year’s results. He told me this is the best he’s ever seen my labs while indicating every metric is within its optimal zone. Out of curiosity, I asked if the tests showed whether or not I had COVID-19 antibodies. He stated this lab wouldn’t show this information, but reassured me by saying, “you are so healthy. Your white blood cell counts are very strong. Don’t sweat it”.
My health used to give me anxiety. It gives me peace today which is very liberating. It’s one fewer thing to worry about. I’m not sharing this to brag, I share this because I want you to enjoy this peace as well. Life is stressful as it is without adding self-inflicted health issues to the mix.
Not only were my labs perfect, but allergies have become a very mild problem and no longer require daily medications. I haven’t taken any prescription drugs for several years.
The dad bod has departed; the father figure has arrived.
Go get it.