Cryotherapy, DDP Yoga, Fitness, Goals, Injury Recovery, Running, Swimming

Maybe You Don’t Have to Live In Pain

January 3, 2018: Car accident, rear ended by drunk driver moving at a high rate of speed. My car smashes into truck in front of me.

March 21, 2019:  After 134 doctor appointments, I receive two epidural shots

April 25, 2019:      One more epidural shot

May 25, 2019:  Dr. says injuries are permanent; recommends surgery

June 9, 2019:  My Plan B begins

At this time last year, I questioned when I would ever feel better and if so, when.  I had plan B in place if it didn’t work, but I was holding out hope the doctors would be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  My back was my only response at church each week if asked, “can I pray with you”.  These prayers were echoed each night by my daughter when she’d ask Jesus to “make Daddy’s back feel better”.  I was also unable to do any spring yard work.  Trees needed to be trimmed and brush needed to be hauled, yet I was no use.

I’m putting in a lot of pain free running as a result of DDP Yoga and extra core exercise

My plan B was simple:  strengthen my core and utilize cryotherapy.  My core would gain strength through exercise, including DDP Yoga mixed in with a ton of squats, crunches and sit-ups.  I also planned to run during this time.  308 days later, I can say that I live almost pain free and can work in the yard again.  Morning time is generally the most painful time of the day, yet springing out of bed has been much easier the past several weeks.  On top of all this, I am in the best physical condition of my life.  My core is stronger and the cryotherapy has significantly reduced the inflammation.  And I am running at Forrest Gump levels once again.

On June 9, I wrote out my goals for the rest of 2019.  I completed the goals for squats, sit-ups, crunches and DDPY sessions.  I also found a new love of swimming (on hold due to C19) while crushing my running goals.  I wrote out more aggressive goals for 2020, and I’m ahead of pace in each category.  All told I’ve completed 15,261 squats; 11,282 crunches and 10,235 sit-ups since June 9.  I’ve also had a DDP Yoga session 220 of those 308 days.  On top of all that, I’ve ran a total of 1,168 miles. And I’m on a fitness streak of 165 consecutive days. No days off!

One of my doctor’s told me I’d never have significant mileage or speed again.  He was wrong.  He wanted me to go through an invasive surgery.  In my mind, surgery meant a second surgery 5 years later and then every 5 years after that.  Pass.  I’ve still never taken a pain pill. 

My thoughts around core strength were simple.  If my back is busted up, I need everything supporting it stronger.  My focus has been my quads, glutes and abs.  They’re much stronger than ever before.  It’s how I’m able to run 14 miles now and how I’m able to do yard work.  The quality of my life is much better now.  I’m so thankful in this moment I feel better than I ever have since the accident while I’m quarantined in the house.  I was at the doctor’s office 3-4 times per week just two years ago.  So far this year I’ve only been to the chiropractor once and my physical therapist once.  I’m thankful to be back where I’m at right now.

I was able to do this for the first time ever on March 8.

If you’re in pain, try to get stronger.  Give DDP Yoga a try.  Visit a PT that will show you exercises that are safe to build your core.  Get off the couch like I did and work your way to feeling better.  The payoff is amazing.  If you ever have any questions, feel free to email or DM me.  I’d love to help!

It started with writing down my goals….and then reading them daily.

Go get it.