Cryotherapy, DDP Yoga, Fitness, Goals, Injury Recovery

Celebrate the Milestones

One year ago this week, I was stuck on the couch 4 days straight in pain.  Last May, doctor’s told me that the injuries sustained in my car accident were permanent.  One person’s decision to drive drunk led to surgery recommendations.  I passed on that surgery and have been rebuilding my body on my own since then.

Ten months later, I can assure you this was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.  My pain continues to decrease and I am running again.  I have a 5k next weekend, a half marathon the week after and my first mini-triathlon in three weeks.

I was relaxing on the couch this evening when I randomly decided to attempt a full headstand.  At no point in my lifetime have I ever been able to do one.  Without any warm up, I tried and it was easier than I anticipated to complete. I yelled for my wife to check it out while I held it for approx. 15 seconds.  She dashed for the camera, but I took down the hold.  So I did it again, as seen here.

I’ve never been able to do this, until today

I made a decision more than a year ago that I was not going to work only to recover from injuries; I needed bigger goals to give me extra motivation.  I’m working towards a level of fitness beyond my pre-injury abilities.  I want to accomplish more than I ever have before.  I write down every goal and review daily to hold myself accountable.

But I gotta celebrate the milestones; the wins.  Pulling this off today felt like placing first in my division in a local 5k.  It felt like leveling up.  What’s next?  I’m not sure, but I’m looking forward to it.  This is going to drive me to an amazing workout tomorrow.  Go get it.