
Free time, isolation and your health…oh and Corona Virus

First off, I’m going to propose that we start calling the virus “C19” instead of Corona Virus or COVID-19.  We’ve already typed it out too many times and we humans love to shorten things.  Who is with me?

People think weight loss is a method to look better.  Those are the wrong reasons, heightened by Hollywood and social media.  You need to do it for your health.  Your appearance is nothing but a bi-product. 

Appearance only tells part of the story. My cholesterol and triglyceride levels tell the rest.

I’ll get right to the point.  If you are unhealthy, you are more likely to die of anything.  Yes, that includes C19.  It also includes pretty much every disease there is plus strokes and heart attacks.  Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and on and on.  And yes, C19.  C19 will impact too many people, but we can all agree on unhealthy people having the highest risk.  You don’t need a PhD to know that.  But you also don’t need a PhD to know that more people will die from poor diet and lack fitness than C19.

1 in 5 Americans die to obesity!  Obesity is MUCH, MUCH more deadly than C19 for most.

So check out this quick little story from today.  I found a medical document while making space for my new “home office”.  This piece of paper once startled me as the headline read “blood chemistry results” dated 10/24/2011.  I was 4 months into my new, healthy lifestyle at the time but had only lost 30 of the 92 pounds.  The test stated my cholesterol was at 204 and triglycerides at 323.  A healthy cholesterol level is within a range of 140-199 and 0-150 is the healthy range for triglycerides.  The results were alarming but I felt peace knowing I was already motivated to get healthy.  I already stuck it out 4 months, now I have extra motivation to keep going.  Quitting wasn’t an option before I got the letter and I felt confident I’d work these numbers into healthy ranges.  In addition to increasing the fitness and changing my diet, I had to really cut back on booze.  And I mean, really cut back.  I’ll write about that another day.

After finding this letter, I quickly signed into the patient portal to pull my lab results from December.  I get all of my biometrics taken annually (and you should too!), but I’ve never gone back to compare to 2011.  Wow, I’ve dropped my cholesterol down to 140 (down 31%) and my triglycerides down to 93 (down 71%).  Does that guarantee I will live longer?  Heck no.  Life is precious and God has his plan.  Tomorrow is promised to no one; on this Earth anyways.  But the odds are better and I’ll feel better.  You know how many people I know in their 30s and 40s taking 3-5 daily medications?  Too many.  I take none!  My blood pressure is never higher than 120/80.  My resting heart rate ranges from 38-44 BPM. 

I don’t want you to lose weight to look thinner.  I want you to lose weight to live healthier.  You will also enjoy some wonderful bi-products of weight loss, including much needed self-love and self-confidence.  I want you to feel better.

Hey guess what?

Your biggest excuse has probably been time.  Or motivation.  I gave you some motivation.  And y’all have much more time than you did 2 weeks ago.  Some of you have no commute for a while.  Basically anything that you had planned is cancelled.  You can’t even go to happy hour or a movie.  Spring ski trip, gone!  Date night is cancelled because your kids aren’t going to the sitter.  You also have newfound time to prepare healthy meals.  I’m looking forward using some new-found time cooking on the grill and smoker.  I can grill over my lunch hour, how rad is that? 

Ah, some of you will still say you can’t afford the gym or to buy healthy food.  And now you can also say “the gym is closed”.  First off, your health is not an expense, it is an investment.  You can’t afford to eat garbage.  Get over it.  Secondly, you don’t need a gym membership.  You are living in the absolute best era to work out while never going to a gym.  It’s called the internet.  You can jump on YouTube to find all kinds of free fitness videos.  While we’re in C19 isolation, many gyms like Orangetheory Fitness are uploading free, daily workouts.  Several fitness instructors are also uploading similar daily videos.  My local YMCA is offering online workouts.  There are subscription apps like DDP Yoga or Beach Body who offer a free trial period before paying.  DDP Yoga is the best in my opinion, but there are many  other good programs out there.  You have no excuse.  Not time, not money.  Want to feel better?  Like really feel better?  Don’t wait until tomorrow.

And how am I going to use my time?  By not wasting a minute of it.

Go get it.