Motivation for this blog…
What is my motivation to write this blog?
Three reasons really:
- I’ve lost 92 pounds. Not on a fad diet. Not with pills. Not with surgery. I did it the hard way. This is the only way I found worked for me to become really healthy. I worked. I sacrificed. I learned to eat better. I learned how to work out. I could place in the top 10% in almost every local 5k/10k/half-marathon. Years earlier, I couldn’t run to the mailbox. I have inspired friends and colleagues to achieve fitness goals. I’m blessed, when someone tells me they got encouraged by my story and started running. Well, this story is only half-complete. I have a new, uphill battle. There are many goals in this battle that I will conquer. If either story inspires one single person to get off the couch or achieve any goal, this project was worth it.
237 pounds 145 pounds
- Laws in the state of Kansas are very unfair for a DUI victims. Penalties applied to drunk drivers are not severe enough in comparison to the impact it has on a victims life. Victims have been marginalized and trivialized by ignorant false claims or hopes of beating the system for financial gain. Kansas is a no-fault state and the minimum/maximum bodily injury claim insurance is $100,000-$300,000. This is nowhere close to what is required for me to maintain pain management for the rest of my life. I’m only 43. Tomorrow, I turn 44. I’ve learned the hard way, but I also know others have received injuries worse than mine. I also know that some of those individuals are taking on a greater, personal financial burden. My medical expenses are through the roof and after lawyers’ fees, liens paid off, medical bills paid; it leaves very little for long term care. Kansas laws penalize DUI Victims significantly more than the convicted drunk driver. Actually, more like exponentially. I’d like to draw more awareness to this problem while also providing encouragement and guidance to other DUI victims. It has been a tough, lonely road on this journey.
- I’ve always wanted to write better. Sure, I could take classes. At the end of the day, I know most of it is repetition. Grinding. Learning. Re-working. I want to practice the craft, so why not here? I’ll look back one day and read these early posts in amazement of how far I have progressed.