The Gateway Drug

The ongoing debate surrounding the initial “gateway drug” has persisted for years. Is it alcohol, weed, or tobacco? I argue that it’s none of the above. What substance is consumed years before someone drinks or smokes? Sugar.
Let’s explore the common excuses and statements made by those addicted to substances:
“I need it.”
“I can’t imagine not having it.”
“I can cut back; I have it under control.”
“I always use this when (fill in the blank).”
“It’s a holiday.”
“It’s a special event.”
“I had a bad day; I need it.”
“I had a good day; I need it to celebrate.”
These sound familiar, like references to alcohol or hard drugs, right? But what if we apply these same excuses to sugar? I believe we can. The similarities don’t stop there:
- It provides pleasure, and manufacturers capitalize on it with soda and chemically engineered foods designed to taste good.
- It harms your body, leading to significant health problems with prolonged use.
- It’s addictive.
- It burdens our healthcare system.
- Some people can’t stop and will never stop.
- It contributes to leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, surpassing the toll of COVID-19.
Shifting to healthy foods is difficult because it entails giving up something you enjoy, replacing convenient favorites with less-desired options that can’t be obtained from a drive-thru or a box. People struggling to lose weight often have a sacred, tightly clenched list of indulgences they are not ready to give up.