
Let’s Crush 2021

Years ago, people like me drove me nuts. Why be so obsessive about writing down goals and looking at them daily? Do you know why I thought that? Because it was a way for me to feel better about not doing it myself. Sure that might work for them I thought, but I had my own plan for me….which was no plan. And sure, I hit some goals—the work ones written each year by my boss. My work goals were always crushed, which is the only exception. Getting a better raise and aiming for promotion was part of my motivation, but I also didn’t have a choice. The boss wrote ‘em out.

Swam 1000 yards tonight. First time in the pool in over a year.

But I had other hopes, goals and dreams I never wrote down.  Lose weight, get in shape, get back to church, read more, become an entrepreneur, build stronger relationships, etc etc.  How many of those did I succeed at until recent years?  Zero.  Good intentions, no plan, no follow through.  

I didn’t write down goals back then, but obsessive tracking has become part of my DNA since.  I’ve been tracking my fitness goals for nearly a decade, and in recent years, treated personal goals the same as fitness goals.  They have timelines and many of them require tracking.  For instance, this year I plan to read 20 books.  I slacked last year.  I built a spreadsheet to track and keep me accountable.  I want to ensure I spend as much quality time with my daughter as possible, so we’re going on 30 “Daddy and Daughter Dates” in 2021.  Tracking it on my spreadsheet.  

My Goal Tracking Summarized

I want to be more thankful in 2021, so I’m journaling each day 5 items I am thankful for. I am holding myself to get it done with a daily iPhone reminder. This is what I do to build habits. I’ve done this for fitness, professional and spiritual goals. I also use this function for Bible verses to read every day for a month or daily, micro-goals. I don’t watch TV or goof off until the goals are cleared.

Aside the Bible/YouVersion, the reminders app is my most important iPhone app

My old “New Year’s Resolutions” were nothing but well intended “I hope I get to this sometime” ideas…..but I’m confident I will hit everything I write down in 2021. As Diamond Dallas Page says, “don’t just think it, ink it”.

I don’t spend time with all this nonsense for ego or anything like that; I do it because I will ultimately make myself accountable.  The accountability leads to discipline.  Discipline leads to accomplishment and freedom.  

Go get it.