Fitness, Injury Recovery

Setbacks, 2019 goals, 2020 goals

I hope you had an amazing New Years!  I’m looking forward to an awesome year.  My back is a bit sore today, along with my hips.  I started to develop some pain last week that has continued to progress throughout the holidays.  I am taking things easy the next few days, limiting my overall activity while trying to heal up.  My daily workouts are tailored to strengthen the spots that are sore.

Set-backs have been a continual part of my recovery.  My physical therapist once told me that recovery has the same look as a profitable investment’s stock chart.  The overall trajectory is upward, but there is always a few downwards slides.  I am not sure if I did something to tweak my back and hips or if it is a combination of things.  We switched mattresses for a 3rd time since the accident. I also started running in some newer shoes around that same time.  Maybe coincidental?  Who knows, but this is the highest level of pain that I’ve experienced in 4-5 months.  No worries, I’ll be back.

Goals for last 206 days of 2020

I am pleased when looking back at my 2019 accomplishments.  My goals were set not long after receiving full workout clearance from my doctors mid-2019, so they were for the final 206 days of the year. I wrote about them back in June. I was able to achieve the goals I intended to, aside a few.  Of my misses—I failed to hit my goals for Orangetheory Fitness classes, massages, races and sessions in a sensory deprivation tank.  What is the one thing those all have in common?  They cost money….We’ve been scaling back a bit the past few months while trying to increase savings.  I blew through everything else.

My 2020 goals are now set in stone:

2020 goals
  • Read the Bible all 366 days
  • Workout all 366 days
  • Run a total of 1281 miles
  • 100 hours of DDP Yoga
  • 100 hours or rehab/recovery work
  • 15,000 squats
  • 15,000 sit-ups
  • 15,000 crunches
  • Superbowl 4 Mile Race – 29:13 or better finish
  • Chisolm Trail Half Marathon – 1:52:00 or better finish
  • Spring Prairie Fire Half Marathon – 1:48:00 or better finish
  • RiverRun 10k – 45:48 or better finish
  • Pike’s Peak Ascent Half Marathon – 4:22:46 or better finish
  • Fall Prairie Fire Half Marathon – 1:43:00 or better finish
  • 150 Cryotherapy sessions

Time to go get it.