Cryotherapy, DUI Laws, Injury Recovery

Tonight, two years ago…

Two years later, I can remember the evening of January 3, 2018,as if it were yesterday.  It was my first day back in the office afterChristmas break and I stayed late to prepare for a big meeting the followingMonday with our new bosses.  The company I worked for was acquired by muchlarger company just days before Christmas.  It was a time of making firstimpressions while embracing a multitude of change.  I had to be focusedand determined yet flexible in 2018.  I was up for the challenge andexcited about the changes. My little pirate ship was sailing in the bigocean. 

I left the office at around 7:20pm and called home via theBluetooth speaker.  Approximately 30 seconds after stopping directlybehind an F150 I shouted, “Oh my God!”.  The drunk driver failed to slow downbefore hitting me from behind.  The speed limit was 40 mph.  At thismoment, time slowed down.   I knew I was hit and my brain was processingwhat happened while I saw the back of the F-150 slowly moving towards me beforemy car smashed into its bumper.  I made the same @oh my God” yell and thenasked Rachel if she heard what happened.  I heard nothing but the silenceof a dropped call.  

It was 17 degrees when I exited my car to assess whathappened.  I had no idea that an MRI would reveal 8 different injuries inmy back and neck.  I was not aware of a concussion that was still ringingmy bell.  A lot would change after that night. 

Today I feel thankful to still be alive, thankful that my familywas not there and thankful for my recovery.  I’m still in pain every day,but I’m still improving.  My injuries could have been much, much worse;yet they are not.  I could have been killed.  What if the F150 hadn’tbeen in front of me, causing my car to be pushed into incoming traffic? 

This accident has taught me so much about myself; pushing me togrow.  I’ve traveled a journey filled with life lessons because of thestruggle.  I’ve changed many priorities in life.  I’ve made myselfbelieve that I’m capable of much more than I used to believe.  I’ve soldmyself short in the past, but not anymore.  I’m thankful for growthopportunities created by this car accident that I may not have experiencedotherwise.  

I’m looking forward to a big 2020.