DUI Laws, Fitness, Injury Recovery

Punch right back

I’ve been doing this now for two months and found it to be fun and therapeutic.  Shout out to those of you who have let me know you are reading.  My thoughts the past few days have been about other DUI victims.  I’d really like to share some of my experiences on this web site to help other victims know what to expect.  I know first-hand how tough it is for them to navigate through their own situation.  If somehow I can help just one person, this blog is a success.  I’ll feel even more encouraged if I can provide encouragement or hope for just one person.

I wish that no one will ever experience what I have.  The reality is, it will.  I’m thankful that my situation isn’t as bad as it could have been.  Many more victims are in much worse situations than I am.  I didn’t understand the complexities that being a victim would impose on my life.  It’s been a very difficult road to navigate thorough, all without a map or GPS. 

If you have already been through this experience, you’ll know what i am talking about.  If you’ve just been injured, you’re about to travel down this road.  I wish I would have sought out some help from someone in a relatable situation.  I really could have used that kind of support.  Someone that could understand me.  I could have also used guidance on everything to expect.  Wow.  I can’t ever write how many things will get thrown your way and how many inconveniences I have experienced in a single blog entry.  It will take a while.  And I’m still learning what to expect as I continue down this journey. 

I write this blog to those of you who are going through this horrible situation.  I’m 18 months into this and it has been a very emotional and stressful ride.  I can tell you right now that some of that was manufactured by my own fears and anxieties.  You’ll get through this.  I’ll get through this.

This accident has punched me in the mouth every day.  It put me in some dark, depressing places. I took that abuse for almost a year before I had to change my focus and not let it bring me down.   I had to change my focus on my goals beyond recovery.  I had to learn to accept that I might not get better.  But ultimately, I decided that instead of getting punched, I needed to punch back.  I couldn’t let it drag me down anymore; I had to re-write the script.  The story being told at the time wasn’t going to end happy.  I can still write a great story about an uphill journey from here.  I own it.  No one else.  Not doctors, attorneys, judges or anyone else.  ME.

If you’re reading this, you know or will know that you will instantly lose half of your free time and constantly juggle your schedule to make appointments.  When you’re a victim, you have so much tracking to do that you’ll feel like you need a personal assistant.  You may be in pain every day, but very few people understand what you are feeling.  You’ll get tired of talking about it as you don’t want to sound like you’re complaining and you’re avoiding being consumed by it.  It’s a lonely world and if you let it get to you, it will make you crazy.  It did me.  But what good is that?  What does that solve?   Naah, you gotta quit being the victim and evolve into a survivor.  A fighter.  You have to be relentless.  You need to use this horrible thing to push yourself to be the best you.  You can’t undo what’s done.  Hopefully, you make a full recovery.  Work hard and get there, I’m rooting for you.

Some of you won’t be lucky enough to have a full recovery.  This is now part of your life.  I know, it sucks.  You can either turn your jersey in and let it define you, or you can be the better you.  The best you is yet to come.  The best me is yet to come.  Start working and living for it.  Be thankful for everything you do have.  You’ve got this.  Make this your “for every action, here is an equal and opposite reaction” moment.  Take this situation which is maybe one of the worst moments of your life and make the best moments of your life.

If you’re a victim, you can reach me any time on Twitter/Instagram/Email at any time if you have questions or need someone to talk to. 

Work hard play hard,

Relentless Beast