Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tip: Cheat Days Could be Your Enemy

I’m not going to say one should never take a cheat meal.  I do.  I am going to caution you to choose them infrequently and maybe skip the cheat day if you really want to lose some weight.

I went 3 months without a cheat meal.  How did I do it? I set that goal.  I told myself I wasn’t going to take a cheat meal and I did it.  Oh, my first cheat meal was at In-N-Out Burger, back when you could only get it on the West Coast.  Worth it.

First “cheat meal” after 90 days of dieting

Before you take a cheat day, think about this list.  If you are a yo-yo dieter, read this list and count how many of them have been days that you cheated your diet:

  • Special events
  • Travel
  • Low on time, needed conveniences day
  • Family get together
  • Sporting events
  • Special date night
  • Anniversary
  • Work meeting
  • Birthday
  • Kid’s birthday
  • Spouse’s birthday
  • March Madness
  • St Patrick’s Day
  • Valentines
  • Christmas
  • New Year’s
  • Thanksgiving
  • Every other holiday not on here
  • Camping trip
  • Vacation
  • Sad day
  • Happy day
  • Tired day
  • Angry day
  • Stressed day
  • Celebrating something you’ve earned (promotion, etc)
  • Annual bonus day
  • Tax return
  • Don’t have time to go grocery shopping, order pizza/pick up fast food day

This list is called life.  And guess what?!?!  You probably have other cheat days/meals for absolutely no reason other than wanting one of feeling like you deserve them.  You probably have occasions not on this list; I know I do.  You probably have other days where you are tempted to cheat.  You might also start you “cheat day” the night before, lowering your inhibitions because you know the next day if your cheat day.  Or perhaps your cheat day carries over to the next day…and then the next day.

Every one of those days on that list were cheat days back when I was a fat, yo-yo dieter.   And some of those multiple days.  Or cheat weeks.  Since losing weight, I’ve spent several years in “maintain mode” where I essentially eat as if I am dieting, but with a little more leniency.  Special occasions are my cheat meals now.  Those are your future cheat meals.  Maybe you don’t need those cheat meals and cheat days today.

Hey, I get it.  Pizza and cheeseburgers are good.  I’m a huge fan of barbeque; in particular, the barbeque that I smoke in my driveway.  Do some inventory.  Look at the above list while thinking about other days that you might possibly cheat.  Write them all down.  Then cut them in half.  Or 75%.  Do it.

Now, skip the cheat day and make it a cheat meal.  Why is that?  Because you justify larger portions and over-snack on cheat days.  You let down your inhibitions for short term satisfaction.  You go back to the ice cream or chips too often.  How often do you say, “you can’t just have one of these” or “these are addictive”?  You have late night snacks.  How satisfied are you when you go up 4 pounds?  You’re not.  Now swap out for some chicken breast and veggies or something of the equivalent.  And if possible, work out longer and cut your portions/calories from your two other meals.

Don’t believe me?  Well, take out a piece of paper and commit to having 0 cheat days for whatever length of time your goal is.  Maybe it is 30.  Or 60.  Or 90.  Write it down!  Tape it to your bathroom mirror.  If you want it bad enough, you’ll do it. 

Work hard play hard,

Barbeque Beast