
Eradicate Your Doubt

The picture tells a small portion of the story. The guy on the left lived with doubt all the time. Best way to overcome? Work hard, get stuff done, trust in God. When you achieve a few accomplishments you can build on top of the dividends. It’s a slow, grueling process and you won’t always have the motivation. One thing that creates our doubt is regret. Doubt and regret will leave you living in a vicious cycle, stealing you of joy and purpose.

What you see here is not just a weight loss transformation, but a life transformation, still in progress. And God gets all the glory because I once lived a live full of doubt, regret mixed in with laziness and self sabotage. God gave me direction and vision, running was the tool used to build discipline. Discipline helps eliminate doubt because it changes your inner-wiring. I became a different person, very slowly running each mile. Yet those small gains accumulated over 16,000 miles.

Go get it.

“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬