Reflecting the journey
The journey of life that God blesses us with doesn’t always make sense. But it’s interesting to reflect on:
2009: Rachel and I get married. She’s able to run 2-3 miles at a time without stopping. I can’t run to the mailbox. I’m impressed. Seed planted.
2010: Rachel becomes pregnant with Tessa.
2011: As a soon to be father, I become concerned about overall health
2011: Got off the couch, started running, began a fitness plan, started eating better, began slowing down non-produtive time wasters (beer drinking, sports watching, etc)
2012: Get better at what I started in 2011. Create good habits, try to eliminate bad ones.
2013-2017: Continue the 2012 plan. Fitness and diet get better each year, time wasters and beer drinking decrease each year.
2018: Car accident.
2019: Permanent injury diagnosis. Begin an intense recovery plan. But I begin this journey with self discipline and mental toughness that was developed during 2011-2019. It didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow, grueling process.
2020: Full recovery.
2021: Big plans.

I’m very blessed the car accident was in 2018 and not years prior. What I did in 2019 would not have been possible without working so hard in 2011-2017.
ReflIts just a matter of getting started. I’m glad I did. Very thankful that God gave me the drive in 2011.