“Despite” is a very powerful word
Despite is one of the most powerful words in the English language. One simple word can change your mindset about anything. Think of a limitation you may have or something you are challenged with. Say the word despite, followed by this limitation or challenge. Follow that up by stating the goal that you want to achieve. Now say this complete phrase over and over again until you silence the voice inside that tells you that you can’t do it. Despite what the voice in your head may say, you can go get it if you want it bad enough.

I woke up this morning fired up to run in the Wichita Turkey Troy 10 mile race. At this exact time last year, I was in horrible pain. I would not have been able to compete in a 10 mile run and even if I did, my slow finish would have left me in excruciating pain. It’s great to get out there again.
I’ve gone over two years without competing in a race this long but I embraced that challenge. My ultimate goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon before turning 50 in a little over 5 years. I’m a long way off from that today, but this was level one in a long range plan to get me there. My anticipated time? Somewhere between 1 hour, 25 minutes and 1 hour, 30 minutes. My back has felt great overall, but there are some days that it can be a little sore. As luck would have it from a timing perspective, I’ve been a bit achy over the past 3 days. I have scaled back my workouts to focus mainly on rehab and DDP yoga. I haven’t had enough training above 6 miles since the accident so I didn’t feel like my conditioning was strong enough for a fast time today. Those were the stupid voices in my head that have been talking me down all week. My fastest 10 miles run is 1 hour, 19 minutes, 15 seconds but I did not think that would be within reach today. Again, that stupid voice in my head.
I felt great 3 miles into the race when I heard the song, “Burning Heart” by Survivor hit my playlist. This song is in the movie “Rocky 4” when Rocky Balboa is training to fight Ivan Drago. One lyric from that song has always motivated me, “In the warrior’s code there’s no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries never!”. I say that line to myself all the time when I need an extra push. I started thinking about that word, “despite”. I told myself that I am capable of breaking my previous speed and finishing this race strong. I told that stupid voice in my head to shut up and go get it. Despite my lack of conditioning and a sore back this week, I set a new personal best. It was a cold 39 degrees this morning but I left nothing out on that race course. I pushed like I’ve never pushed before in a 10 mile race. I finished in 1 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds. I shattered my previous best by almost 3 minutes. This was good for 3rd in men’s 40-44.

Despite being told that I have 8 spots on my spine with permanent damage, I will continue to rebuild my body through fitness while chasing my Boston Marathon dream.
Go get it.