
92 pound weight-loss journey began 10 years ago today

It all started 10 years ago today…I’m amazed how much I didn’t know back then…
I didn’t think I’d ever be a marathoner. (Or a half marathoner….ok, or even run a 5k!).
I didn’t know Ultramarathons existed or that the human body was capable of running more than 26.2.
I didn’t think 4:30am could be a sustainable wake-up time.
I never believed I could weigh less than I did in high school, as an adult.
I didn’t know of DDP Yoga at that point, and would never have considered any type of yoga.
I didn’t know how to eat right.
I didn’t know how to build self discipline.
I didn’t know how cool the running community is. (“Runners make the best friends” -Tony Brown).
I never wrote down goals and tracked progress.
I never ran out of excuses.
I never passed on happy hour opportunities.
I was never the first to leave the party.
I didn’t know how much better I could feel.
I didn’t know how much joy and happiness would occur with lifestyle changes.
My life was full of “didn’t” and “never”.
And then I did….and never stopped.
92 pounds later, 10 years later.
Looking forward to the next 10 years.
Go get it.