
32 Day “Input” Disconnect

I set a goal for May 1 which started on time. I began a 32 day disconnect from social media, television, movies, sports, YouTube, and podcasts, starting. My only “media” options during this time are the Bible, books and music.


Why not?

We rush through lives with busy schedules while constantly blasted with information. My brain has a limited amount of bandwidth. By depriving myself of constant information, I hope to clear up my mind while focusing on productive or positive things. With me newfound free-time, I’ll sit daily goals I usually don’t have time for. Check in with a friend, visit family, try some new restaurants, take more walks with the family, etc. You know, things that don’t happen enough but should happen more often. I’ll also spend more time doing the things I love with the people that I love. I intend to spend more time in prayer as well. And of course, maybe more fitness and wellness.

I’m 3 days in. The first two were interesting. I caught myself looking at my phone for no reason on multiple occaisions during day 1, a little less yesterday and only a couple of times today. There hve been “downtime” moments where I was temped to turn on the TV.

I’ve already read one book and I’m halfway through a second. I’ve cleaned out my garage attic, a project that should have been completed months ago. I’ve scratched a few other things from the “to-do” list that have been sitting there for months. Each day I have slowly began to feel a little more “present” than the day before, which is another goal I have for this time disconnect. I have some personal and spiritual goals to achieve during this time. And I plan to try a few, new things like stand up paddleboarding.

So far so good. 29 more days to go. I’ve kept a journal since day 1 and plan to write about this experience as time goes on.

This input fast runs through June 1. I wanted to go 32 days because my birthday is June 1. My birthday will last longer than years past due to fewer distractions. If you need me in May, call me or send me an email (matt@injuredbeast.com). I’m blessed that my wife will be handling social media responsibilities for our business ventures. She’s the best—always supporting my crazy ideas and adventures.