
The 30 Day Challenge!

I discovered a Ted Talk titled “Try Something New For 30 Days” a few years back. The concept–find something new to do and then follow through with it each day for 30 days straight. The concept inspired me to apply it to any goal. (For instance, cold showers are much more bearable after 30 consecutive days). I’ve recommended this to friends/co-workers over the years. 

Any time I am looking to start a new routine or habit (or break a bad one), I set a goal to complete it (or eliminate) each day, for 30 days.  You’d be surprised how easy it is to keep going after you do it every single day for 30 days.  This challenge has been helpful for work goals, fitness goals, spiritual goals and personal goals. 

I’m starting 2 challenges on Monday.  The first goal is 30 days of only drinking water, tea and coffee—NO SODA.  I’ve slowly let Diet-Coke back into my life.  I’m up to 2-3 cans per day.  (Ideally, I prefer 1-2 a MONTH).  I still need some caffeine, for my wife’s sake. Goal #2 will be centered around de-cluttering.  We’ve lived in our current hour for two years so it’s good time to start the minimalism challenge.  (Get rid of 1 item on day one, 2 on day two……30 on day 30).  

Have any of you ever tried a 30 day challenge?

Go get it.