Diet, Fitness, Goals, Weight Loss

Choose Health

“Whatever you are not changing you are choosing.”  -Toby Mac

So true.  I think this applies to pretty much any habit we want to create or ones we want to break.  In life we’re faced with things we want to change or dreams of who we want to be.  The reality is, our brains make excuses and we quickly talk ourselves out of getting started.  Our brain has mechanisms inside to take the path of least resistance and make excuses.

When asked “how did you lose the weight” I generally respond with, “I wanted it bad enough”.  I yo-yo’d for years and could go a year between gym visits.  Sure, I would do this cute little thing people call “dieting” to lose weight, only to gain it again.  I was a member of the YMCA for several years, had a fitness room at work and even owned a few pieces of home exercise equipment.  I began many workout programs but completed zero.  The problem was, I didn’t want it bad enough.  I knew deep down inside I could become healthy if I ate clean 100% of the time and prioritized exercise.  Ultimately, any diet or workout plan I had back then was going to fail because they were not long-term plans.  I was choosing short-term fixes over long-term solutions.  I chose not to make a change; I chose to be fat.

We can find any excuse to not make health a priority….…too busy…

…too tired…

…I’m not athletic…

…I’m intimidated by the gym…

…I have sore ______….

…I’m too old…

…It’s not convenient…

…Healthy food is expensive…

…I’ll start tomorrow…

…I’ll start Monday…

…I’ll start eventually…

…I’m just cheating this one meal…

Your excuse is invalid.  Look in the mirror.  Are you REALLY happy with that person?  You are choosing to be that person.  The hardest part is getting started.  Just get started, that is all you need to do.  You don’t need to go out and run 13 miles on a Saturday or workout 2 hours a day like I do today.  So why not start with a 30 minute walk?  Why not start by running a block or two today and then add an extra minute or two tomorrow?  You say you don’t have time but your Netflix and web browsing history has confirmed lies you’ve told yourself.  Yeah, starting exercise sucks and eating clean involves extra effort.  You know what sucks more?  Getting older and not having done something about it.  You know what sucks more?  Diabetes and other lifestyle-driven diseases because you chose brief moments of mouth pleasure from processed foods or sugar instead of a salad.  You chose one more episode in a Netflix binge instead of going outside for a walk.

I’ve been frustrated for quite some time with the “body positivity” moment.  I think the intentions are well placed but it’s not a constructive long-term message.  The body positivity movement highlights inner beauty being more important than outer beauty; which is absolutely true and l agree 100%.  But trying to find happiness from inner-beauty does not make you healthier.  COVID-19 has reminded us that Americans are not healthy compared to our counterparts in other countries.  The body positivity movement tells only a half truth.  Yes, be happy with yourself, but also be healthy.  Do you think you would be happier if you are healthier?  Do you think you would be happier achieving your goal weight?  Don’t you think you’d be happier if you were able to swim a mile or run a 5k or do something else you haven’t been capable of before?  The results achieved from hard work are the ultimate self-esteem booster.  You’ll experience a level of joy you’ve never had before when it’s time to replace your entire wardrobe.  You’ll have much more energy when you escape from your sedentary lifestyle.  It’s your decision whether you want to make it or not.  You are already making your decision each day.  Your fulfillment will not be from fitting into smaller clothes or getting compliments.  It will be from setting goals and accomplishing them.  I didn’t drop 92 pounds to get a pat on the back or look better in the mirror, I did it to feel better and hopefully live longer.  Everything else is just a bonus. 

But it started with different decisions.  I decided to be fit instead of deciding to be fat.

Go get it.