
Real Food – The Only “Diet” You’ll Ever Need

My typical dinner: 4 total ingredients, real food

The food picture above is from dinner last.  It was a 4 ingredient dinner plus seasoning.  No processed foods; grass fed beef, non-factory farmed.  60 years ago this was “food”.  Processed foods and fast food slowly crept its way in our lives over the decades and changed the way we eat.  If you grew up as a Gen-Ex’r like me, you were enticed by TV commercials promoting “free toy inside” your sugary cereals or Happy Meals.  TV dinners paved the way for microwave meals and Pizza Hut began delivering.  Mom’s bought into couponing for bargains, which predominantly included processed and convenient meals to cook.  Many of our moms were now in the workforce and had less time to cook.  As people gained weight, “diet” foods came around.  They’re still processed foods.  Remember Saccharin and the cancer deaths?  (Google it kids).  The reality is, there is no substitute for real food.  If you eat real food, you will lose and maintain weight.  Most of the diet industry is just that, industry.  Too many people don’t eat real food, it’s a significant percentage of our population.  It took me till 43 to really figure out proper eating and each year I get better.  

Left: Before changing my lifestyle habits in 2011 Right: A decade after losing weight

I think too many don’t even understand how to eat properly, yet they think they have it figured out.  I thought I had it figured out years prior.  It’s a mindset:  don’t see this as food you can’t have.  See and appreciate the food you “should have”.  Your body needs the actual nutritional value needed to operate your body, including your immune system.  Your body doesn’t have the immunity power when you eat garbage.  You wouldn’t put fake gas in your car…why do you put bad food in your body?  Eat the food created by God (fresh fruits and vegetables, non-processed meats).  Avoid the food funded by Wall Street.  The sad part is, weight and obesity are the cause for many esteem and mental health issues.  Don’t be ashamed.  We were all lied to as kids during commercials while watching Saturday morning cartoons.  We saw commercials for sugary drinks and snacks plus Capri Sum and Fruit Roll-ups.  Soft drink sizes got bigger and bigger year over year plus many restaurants began unlimited refills.  Soda has 150-170 calories per 12 ounce serving.  When was the last time a small was 12 ounces and medium 16?  Its been too long.  We were taken advantage of while the “cola wars” would become amazing folk lore in marketing classes of the future.  So don’t beat yourself up.  

Try going 90 days eating mostly real food.  You will lose weight and you will feel better.  Most importantly, your body will be more functional.  You’ll have more energy and feel better overall.  If you maintain, your immune system will strengthen itself through proper fuel.  You can supplement to help push you towards your goals.  But if what you’ve been doing time and time again doesn’t work, why not just try eating clean to find out for yourself?  As you progress and push yourself, you will build discipline.  Discipline equals freedom.  You will be free of lower energy and immunity.  You will feel better than you do mow with less inflammation.  Your anxiety rate will lower.  You might even cut back on prescription drugs. I’m a month shy of 47 and I am 100% prescription free.  Over the past 4 years the only prescription I’ve taken was amoxicillin twice for a total of 5 days (once after a root canal one after catching sinus allergies while heavily traveling between multiple climates during summer). I’ve never really been sick for a long time.  You don’t need to take it for 10 days when immunity is strong; 2-3 days a week.  You will lower your stress.  

I appreciate the significance of COVID-19 and take it seriously; however, I’ve been at peace with it.  I knew I was doing all I could and statistically I had very little to worry about.  I wasn’t any more worried about COVID than I was dying in a car wreck.  Thankfully, I’ve been blessed with low stress during the pandemic.  But I’m not just thinking about COVID-19.  I want my body to be capable of fighting every type of disease.  It’s a lifestyle change.  I’ve used nicotine in the past and way too much alcohol.  I ate like a ticking time bomb half the time and “diet food” half the time.  That is under control and it was hard to get there.  But there was freedom.  And it became easier in time.  I’m thankful God has put me in the place I’m at with my health. We all pray for good health.  But do we always do our part?  Eat the food God created and feel and live better.  Food is medicine.  God created food, man created pharma, Wall Street bought pharma and big food from man.  Food should come from farms, not factories.  And stay away from gluten!!!  This is not a fad, this is real.  

Obesity rate growth over the past 60 years

Go get it.