
Fuel and Maintenance

We don’t fill our car’s gas tank with soda. We don’t replace our 10W-30 with fast food. Diets don’t work because we tend to focus on the what we can’t eat. (“Oh no, I can’t do that. I need bread with dinner”). We focus on the inconvenience of meal prep while embracing the convenience of drive thrus and processed foods (“I don’t have time to plan, prep and cook”). The reality is, healthy living isn’t about passing on convenience or today’s food preferences—its putting the proper fuel in your system to feel better and live your best life. Its about keeping your body primed to reliably function. I didn’t drop 92 pounds until I accepted this reality.

The same is true with fitness. As we age, things break down. We’ll get sore. It will happen to all of us. It is inevitable and as guaranteed as death and taxes. For those of us in our 40s and above, its already here. We can either “feel old” or “live young”.

Go get it.