
631 Mornings…

I was hit by a drunk driver on January 3, 2018 but the extreme pain did not kick in until January 7.  This blog has documented a lot of my journey in recovering from my injuries that still impact me today.  If there is one thing that I wish I could change right now, it’s how I feel in the morning.

I’ve woke up with pain each of the last 630 mornings.  Morning time is generally the worst I will feel all day long, unless I do something during the day to aggravate my injuries.  Some mornings are more difficult than others.  I had to relocate my cell phone (which doubles as my alarm clock) across the room, which requires me to get up in the morning to shut it off so that I do not hit snooze.  There is not a single morning where I want to get out of bed.  I know that I will suddenly feel pain shoot up my back the very moment I sit up and again when I stand on the floor

I start every morning with some sort of rehab work to get going.  Most of the rehab work involves movements that have been assigned to me by my physical therapist that I rotate throughout the week.  I usually feel well enough to begin a morning workout after my body has been stretched out a bit.  It’s a process that starts every day.  I’ve caught myself staying up too late many times when I feel good just because I know that once asleep, the process will start over again once the alarm buzzes in the morning. 

I’ve gone through 6 pillows since the injury.  I am also on my third mattress since the wreck.  I’ve tried to modify my sleep position several dozens of times hoping to find an edge.  I’ve tried many different pillows to prop my legs slightly.  I’ll try anything.

The point of this?  I’ll likely be in pain for day 632.  Most likely 633.  And 634.  And so on.  But one day, I will be able to get out of bed without pain.  I am going to continue all me rehab work.  I am going to continue with DDP Yoga.  I am going to continue to increase my core strength.  I will continue to use Cryotherapy 4-5 days a week.  All these things require sacrificing much of my time and take a lot of effort.  All these things are working. 

Getting out of bed today on 630 was easier than 330.  I will not let the pain be an excuse not to get up and get after it.  I’ll continue to get up at 4:30am and work hard.  I’ll work hard every day until I have no pain and will continue to work hard to prevent future pain.  One day this morning pain streak will end.  One day I will beat the streak. Until then, it’s eat, sleep and work to break the streak!