
Year 1 of iCRYO Wichita

It’s been a humbling weekend of thanksgiving and gratitude as we wrap up iCRYO’s 1-year anniversary weekend. It wasn’t too long ago that I was in my basement, desperately praying for pain to just stop. I’ll never forget that moment when God said the pain would eventually go away and I would use my experience recovering from spinal stenosis (after the car accident) to help others. I had no idea what that meant and opening iCRYO was not even on the radar.
We’ve been blessed to help so many people in year 1. Every week there are new stories from our guests. On Friday, one of our senior-aged guests said she’s able walk into Lowes on her own now without using a shopping cart for the first time in 10 years! We’ve helped high school students recover from injuries, allowing them to get back on the field and reach their goals. We’ve help professional fighters prepare for their next competition. We’ve had dozens and dozens of people tell us their pain is gone. People are ditching pain medications and other pharmaceuticals and are back in the gym. I know first-hand the toll that constant pain puts on a person and their family and I’m thankful we’ve been able to help so many eliminate their pain with natural modalities. Multiple guests have lost weight and lowered their blood pressure and living a healthier life by leveraging our services. Our guests are sleeping better, have lower anxiety and have been able to truly “elevate their lifestyle”.
The best part of opening iCRYO has been the new relationships formed. First and foremost, we have an AMAZING team. None of us knew what we were doing a year ago and we’ve grown together while building the business. I am so grateful to have this amazing bunch of human beings on my staff. I love you guys and it is an honor to have you as part of our “inaugural team”.
Our guests have been amazing. I’ve met hundreds and hundreds of people from all walks of life and reconnected with old friends who needed our services. Building relationships with our guests has been a pure joy. Without our guests, none of this would be possible and I thoroughly enjoy getting to know our regulars that come in every week.
Being an entrepreneur has also opened the door for meeting other business owners. Many of these folks have become close friends and the support has been amazing. My peers in the business world are the most supportive “co-workers” I’ve ever had.
Big thanks to our staff and our guests for making all this possible. Thank you to my team for providing top notch service and thank you to our guests for trusting us with your needs. And super-big thanks to my wife and business partner, Rachel for all she has done. She is the backbone of the business and doesn’t take the credit she should. The best decision I’ve made since deciding to open iCRYO was to talk her into joining me in the venture.
None of year #1 would have been possible without God. He planted the vision and has guided me. Not every day has been easy, but strength from God has kept things moving forward and eliminated “quitting” as an option. I give Him credit and glory for everything—there is no way I could have done this on my own.
Thanks to all of you! Looking forward to an amazing year #2!