
Diet’s Don’t Work

The guy on the left yo-yo dieted for nearly a decade; the guy on the right made permanent lifestyle changes

Reality check: Diets don’t work. Permanent lifestyle changes do.
The picture on the left? That was taken less than 3 months after Rachel and I got married. Before the wedding, I dieted like crazy and lost over 30 pounds—only to gain it all back almost immediately. For over a decade, I was either on a diet or gaining weight, stuck in a frustrating loop where I could never maintain a lower weight. If I wasn’t dieting, I was stressing about how I should be. I cycled through losing 30-50 pounds over and over again, only to hit a wall at 187 pounds, never reaching my full potential. By the time I was 36, my health was a mess, and I was headed straight for trouble.
But on June 7, 2011, everything changed. I made the decision to embrace permanent lifestyle changes. That mindset shift is the only reason I dropped from 237 to 145 pounds and have kept it off for 13 years.
Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
Looking back, I was clueless about healthy eating and fitness. But I moved forward—step by step, day by day. Over time, I got into better shape and learned what truly works for me. For the past several years, I’ve kept my weight within a 10-pound range without ever counting calories or carbs. Sure, my weight creeps up after traveling or during the holidays, but I handle it right away. I don’t diet when I gain a few pounds—I just return to healthy eating, and the weight takes care of itself.
Break the yo-yo cycle. Make healthy eating and fitness non-negotiable parts of your life. Trust me, you can do this. I didn’t do anything special, but I stuck with it. Your future self will thank you as you live a healthier, happier life.
Go get it.